Saturday, December 25, 2004

Happy Christmas and a Merry Festivus

Well, its that time of year again. Time for meeting with the relatives, and hating every moment. Fucking christmas. Its a day where I get to go meet with family, only to realize just how different I am, and how I dont fit in. Then comes the fun part: making them believe that I do fit in, and that I am one of them. Ah well, whatever. It was'nt all THAT bad. I mean, I did end up with 60 dollars more than I started with, and a new white t-shirt from foot locker. I did get to see some of my cousins I like, and I got to scare the hell out of some I dont. I also managed to get away from the people and be myself for a little bit, if only while on the phone. Oh, I also got to see my uncles new house (work in progress). Its absafuckinglutely amazing! I loved the place. Its gorgeous and huge, and it has a GIANT back yard. I mean, the house is HUGE, and the backyard is 3 times that size. The house has a bar, a sauna, and all that good stuff. But you know what's even cooler? Knowing that my uncle put in so much time and labor and sweat into building something that hes proud of. It really makes me happy to see teh look on his face and in his eyes as hes showing me around, telling me, and showing me, every thing hes done. Theres a huge sense of accomplishment that beams from him. I hope to be able to have that look in my eyes, one day. I just want to one day have that look that says that I did something that I horribly proud of. Only time will tell. Well, in the spirit of Christmas, or whatever pagan belief you may have, I wish you all a good time, and good luck. Take care, and enjoy your holy days and holidays. Remember not to eat more than you should, but to finish what is on your plate. After all, there is some starving kid in Africa that would walk 50 miles for that food. END TRANSMISSION.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

The good news is...

Well, the good news is, after 20 long years of waiting, I have my own room. The bad news is, it's still on my parent's property. Well, we cant win 'em all. I like it.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Story of a Girl

Well, I hope to write one for all of my friends that are close, but we'll see how motivated I am. Youll know who you are if you read it.

I once knew a girl who came from a place that was far, far away. She traveled across many lands searching for something, but what that something was, she did not know. One day, in the midst of her journeying, she realized part of what she was searching for, was herself. Once she realized that it was not a tangible object that she was searching for, she began to search a different realm. A place within herself. After a long period of searching, she discovered a calling that came from within. A dire need to accomplish what she longed for overtook her, and she began her journeying once again. Amd so she travelled across many more lands, until she arrived in the Land of the Golden Sun, in the City by the Bay. Once having arrived, she discovered that though she was close, she had not yet discovered exactly what she searched for. So she came to realize that although she had journeyed so much, she was still very far. At that time, she returned to her home, weary of her travels, to rest and recover her strength, which had been drained throughout her quest. While resting, she realized to where she must go, and having packed her bags, she once again set out towards the Land of the Golden Sun. This time, though, instead of going to the City by the Bay, she went to the City of Holly, where there was a great wood. From there, it was only a leap and a bound before she ended up staying in the Abbey of Saint Monica, where she began to study the art of capturing essences and souls. While studying under one of the Guild Masters, she encountered another. This other was of a strange, quirky nature (whom we will now call S.Q.), but understood her well, and through this understanding grew a friendship. The friendship was bright and merry, and the two learned well with each other. Soon afterwards, the newly formed duo made the aquaintance of the Other during one of the many dronings of the Pseudo Master. The other was like a chameleon, who adapted to his environment, but rarely showed his true colors. He introduced himself in a pleasing fashion, and was allowed to enter the trial for membership into the exclusive duo group. It was only through pity that he was allowed to enter the group. Nevertheless, because of the nature of duality, the dou morphed into a trio. Once changed, it could never be rewound, but only changed and warped for better or worse. And so the three shared stories of adventures past, and went on to create many new adventures. And through this bonding they became a solid trio, which was of such strength, that it formed itself into another link within the chain of allies that were gathering and growing before the arrival of the storm.

Monday, December 13, 2004

High School Hydrant

This is the high school shot I was refering to. It was hydrant on campus at Pali. The original was black and white, and the next version had the yellow nozzle only. The final version is the sepia one. They were all done years ago, and were amongst the first artsy photos of my own that I edited. Here are the 3:

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Here's Something Quick

I was walking around the pier shooting, while Ngoc was shooting her own project, and came across this. Reminds me of a shot from high school (coming soon).

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Revisiting the Sierras

Yes folks, thats right. The highly anticipated film portion of the sierras has finally begun. It may take a while, and I dont promise 1 a day, but it will come. Here is the first.

P.S. Cyndawgs House be a hater. You dont know the shit I went through either. Gimme a call, and well talk like civil human beings. Really.