Saturday, August 30, 2008


Well, my trip to China seems to have been delayed. Because of the Earthquake in the Sichuan province, the teaching semester got pushed back by 2 weeks, which means that they don't start the new semester until 2 weeks later. Additionally, China has some sort of national holiday which is 1 week long, and thus, I start teaching 3 weeks later than originally intended. C'est la vie.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I'm Officially a Pro

Well, its official. I am a professional travel photographer (and writer). The San Joaquin Magazine has decided that I am awesome, and because of that they decided to give me a story. It's a small travel piece on Santa Monica. Check it out, and if you really like me, write a letter to the editor letting them know how much you liked the photos and the writing for the story. Ill make it easy for you to do: Send your praise to Support the arts (by supporting me!). One love, rasta.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Hollywood Subway, Los Angeles, CA

At the Hollywood subway station in Los Angeles, CA.

The Days of Old

Remember the olden days when blogs were hip and people updated fairly often? I feel that fad has come and gone. People no longer care about publishing their lives (with the exception of a few), and people no longer care to read about the day to day events of a friend's life. So we maintain a feigned interest by checking up on others every once a month, or even once every couple months. Sadly, though, I feel that this has allowed us (yes, I'm talking about yourself and myself, dear reader) to become more distant than I would like. So in that light I am extending a friendly hand in the form of more posts. Whether they be writing or photos, I will try to update this blog more often. Maybe all I do is write a blurb, but I will try to make this a weekly format. When during that week? Well, I make no promises in that regard. So now, I bet you're wondering what I get out of it? I just want to know you are still there. Thanks for reading.