Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Greetings from Dan. I need your help.

Hello there,

It's probably been a while since we last spoke, but I need your help. Don't worry, this is not some sort of Nigerian royalty scam. I write this e-mail because I need your help in winning a Facebook photo competition. I know, I know... Why am I bothering you with this? Well, the simple reason is this: I am behind in a competition that I very well could win! Winning this competition would send me to Namibia in Africa, where I could go and take wonderful photos to post when I get back! So I'm really sorry to bother you, and it might be an annoyance, but I only need about 100 more people to "like" my photo to get back into the lead, and every single vote counts. So here is my request:

If you have a Facebook account, go to the link below and read what is going on. Then, click on the link to the photo, and hit the "like" button to submit your vote. Then, go ahead and share the photo with everyone you know.

If you don't have a Facebook account, tell your family or friends that do have it. OR, what better time to experiment with something new?

The competition ends October 31st, so please go do it as soon as you see this e-mail. Thanks again. I really appreciate your help! Anyway, I hope this e-mail finds you well, and I really wish you the best. I thank you for the time you took to read this, and finally, here is the link to the photo:


And for a bit more info:

Thanks again!
Dan Sandoval, photographer

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Still Alive.

Its been over a year since I last posted. Much has happened since then, and much more will happen over the next year. This last year has seen both opportunity, and loss.

A Ship and a Man (as told by a boy)

Sometimes we find quiet moments where we can finally hear ourselves think. This is almost one of them. Im not a writer. Not by far. I wish I was, but at best, I can only really admit to decently being able to throw thoughts onto a virtual paper. Writing is not a passion. It’s not even a hobby. But sometimes, every now and then, I do enjoy it. Let’s call what I just wrote a preface, and allow us to move into something different.

It’s been loud lately. My mind has been wracked and savaged by the foul seas of drama, and yet here I am, still casually floating along. My sails may be battered, and my hull may have some leaks, but it is nothing that can’t be patched with a little time. Finding the time to work on myself, though, has become increasingly difficult. There hasn’t been a dry dock in sight for ages.

My mind does funny things, sometimes. It sails from port to port searching for some fabled treasure, only to find that at some point, I came back to a port I had visited before. Its a roundabout road, but only until I come to the realization can I really take measures to sail in a different direction. A compass, I find, is useless, as my sense of exploration has a tendency to lead me off any planned course.

So what is one to do? Sail the seas endlessly bound to crash upon the same reef, or perhaps just narrowly missing it again and again? Or does one set a course for calm seas? For now, Ill just let the wind decide that one.