Monday, July 12, 2004

If the end of the world came...

Ever notice how little you truly know about how the world works? Do you really know how your car propels itself, or how your television projects images? Do you understand how a computer works? You know, if some cataclysmic disaster were to strike the earth, wed be pretty screwed. We would lose ALOT of the technology we have, because chances are, not very many people have the knowledge necessary to develop or maintain much of todays technology. Maybe I should learn a few things; make myself a bit more useful.


Anonymous said...

Don't worry about technology. It would be for the better if most of us died because then the world could be restored to the animals. The trees would grow again and it would be beautiful.
*your personal nazi*

Anonymous said...

so NOW he begins to think. You have now become one out of 100 people who do. Thank you very much. Now you are odd like me. get over it. thinking and reasoning is both the ultimate orgasmic adrenilin and pain. take it as you wish.

Anonymous said...

i had the temptation to explain in intimate detail the workings of a car engine but then i realized that would reveal to the world what a nerd i am. so i'll just say hi. HI =)


Death said...

well, its my blog, and I already know how nerdy you are. hi NE way.

Anonymous said...

MIT and the like will save us! ... hopefully.
-- Feanor