Final Thoughts
As the trip winds down, I think back on my journey. Ive come to realize, that I dont want it to end. I havent had my fill yet. I still have so much to learn, and so much to see. It all ended so quickly. Ive come to realize that I love this country and its people. Ive never felt more welcome by a people, than what I have felt here in China. I wonder if I will be missed by the friends I have made. I wonder if I will remember everyone I met. I also wonder what things I will forget. I want to learn more of the language, but I dont know if I will be able to if not immersed in it. I feel sad that I have to leave. I cant wait to see my friends and family again, but I truly am in love with a culture that I was not born into. Of all the places Ive been to, this is the one I can see myself moving to for a period of time more than any of the others. This I know: I will be back. Someday, somehow, I will return. Thats all I have to say for now. Farewell China.
Sunday December 17th, 5:31am Local Time, 9:31pm in ChengDu
Back in America
Im back. Made it okay. Now the real work starts, I suppose. I really miss ChengDu, but real life calls again. Im gonn have trouble re-adjusting to the time difference, but after a couple days I should be fine. Anyway, I owe you all some photos, so at long last, here they are. Ill possibly post more as time passes, but for now, this is what you get. Sorry for the hold up and lack of updates. Ill include a bit of info with certain photos. Enjoy.
Chris - A friend I hung out with a fair ammount of time in ChengDu
Art Museum
Dressed Dog
Leap of Faith - This meter and a half gap was 8 meters in the air. Scary as hell, but I jumped it. Its much worse than it looks. Really.
Clown - Part of the Sichuan Opera
Dragon Breath - More from the Sichuan Opera
Mao - Large Statue of Mao in the Ceter of ChengDu
Turtle Turtle - Turtle Vendor in ChengDu
Welcome back to the pit. I'm sure you are missed in China, after all you were the American consumer. I don't feel sorry for you at all. You would have been out of the country three times by the end of the year.
hey dan q bien q regresaste a america.. tu mom q conto q vienes loco x china.. q bien.. hey pues ves aqui la estamos pasando bien.. yo esperandote tambien.. espero ya verte pronto.. no falta mucho.. ya sabes q mi casa esta a tu dispocision por si te quieres estar conmigo.. cuidate.. eunice
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