Sunday, July 08, 2007

15 and 14 and some others may be late.

Im on a road trip right now. It may be difficult to post daily. Enjoy.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Anonymous said...

spirographs! i used to do these ALL the time.... kinda sad =(

Cat says said...

I want to learn how! Teach me! Teach me!

Death said...

These are cake! When you come back, well do a couple so that you may learn the ways, young padawan. All it actually is, is a point light source (like a flashlight bulb) hanging pointing downward. You have to make sure its weighted decently, because youre going to swing it. As it swings it essentially becomes a pendulum, and the earth rotation and gravitational pull, along with your initial swing, determine what shape it makes. All your camera is doing, is pointing straight up to capture the movements of the pendulum.

Cat says said...
