From now on, the main Image will link to the gallery. Note that the main image will not always be representative of the gallery.
Keep in mind that there will be a new gallery replacing the old one every week, so no more of this checking once a month business! You snooze, you lose! In case you are not sure, the blog gets updated every Thursday. Sometimes my Thursday, and sometimes yours. Depends on my schedule, but Thursday nonetheless.
If you would like to get to the gallery without having to scroll through my (admittedly) sometimes annoying posts, feel free to cruise to it directly at
Lastly, if you like the idea, or like the images, please let me know via the comments. Even though I do this for me, its nice to know that someone, besides me, looks at it every now and again.
P.S. Lets see how long I manage to keep this gallery thing going…
keep it going! The photos are so much fun to look at, and helps me imagine how you're living over there.
your weekly gallery needs captions.
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