Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Break Time, continued

So I was taking a little break, and I am going to now take a longer one. Maybe youll get another post after this, but I will be leaving on vacation sunday, so thought Id warn whoever reads this that Ill be gone a couple weeks.


Bren said...

i woke up this morning and realized that not only am i an idiot for wanting to go backpacking- i remembered that i'm also a gimp. i went looking for my knee brace but it turned out i grew out of it. this camping trip is going to be fun.

Anonymous said...

FUN!!! yes, FUN!!!

Death said...

you wont be. youll be thrown, i mean pushed, er... i mean, youll slip off a cliff.

Bren said...

yeah, there are a lot of bears in washington- i saw 3 last time (i was there for a week). i've decided against bringing my smoked salmon because of it. the smell would lure the bears just as well as any jar of honey or picnic basket.