Monday, October 24, 2005

And another HA!

More Comic!


Great comic I found. EWWWWW!! HAHAHA!

Penny Arcade Comic

Here's the Deal

So Ive been really busy, except I havent. I dont really know what has been occupying so much of my time, and yet, where did my time go? There I things I should have done, which I havent. There are things that should be finished, but I just started. I know that playing games occupies alot of my time, and though I should be doing something to change it, I really dont want to. Sadly, it offers a bit of comfort, in that it changes the daily humdrum of life. Ive recently been through alot, though most dont know. Right now, the world seems a little desaturated. Maybe its the grey days we've been having. Maybe its the tone of life, and Im just begining to see it. I just remember tehre being alot more color to this canvas. On the bright side, I think that ph7 is possibly starting to record another EP, if not an album.
On a slightly off topic, Ill probably be transfering to Brooks Institute of Photography in January. I find I have mixed feelings about this. I was realy looking forward to transfering, but now I find that Im not as excited about it. I have a friend that is going there, and its not the cool photographic community I imagined. Instead it is just another school. The main reason Im applying, is because I dont know what else to do. I dont want to enter the real world yet. I want to continue in this palyful fantasy that Ive created, and school seems to help bring that about. But is paying 45k a year worth it? I dont know. Is the title "bachelor" worth me paying 70k? I just dont know. What I do know, is that right now, Im really tired. Most likely, because it is a longer post, nobody read this far. Regardless, it helps ot put words to it. *Sigh*

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I thought I had already posted this. Enjoy.

Image hosted by

Saturday, October 15, 2005


Gathering wood. What for? Wait and see! Enjoy.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

For all my Pali Peeps

Life is a rollercoaster. I currently find myself on a downward spiral, but I'm pretty sure my momentum will carry me out. Well, here is a photo of Santa Monica from Pacific Palisades that was taken while on a hike. Enjoy.

Santa Monica Panorama

Monday, October 10, 2005


Good Times, Bad Times

Thursday, October 06, 2005

What the Heezy?

Did anyone say El Salvador?


Monday, October 03, 2005


I really like this shot. I hope you do too. This is The One.

Max Off

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Another One

But not THE one.

Max Away

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Just finished working on a photo, and am very pleased with the results. Wait till you see it. Ill let you know which one it is.