Friday, December 01, 2006

More and More

Well, lets start with the bad news. Lost my cell phone today. Im not going to go into details about it, but its lost. So now the good stuff: Went back to the park today. Had another great day just looking at nature. Towards the end of the day, I met up with a group of people that were all going together. Pretty fun people. We all did yoga together. At first I was very reluctant, but a really pretty girl, literally, dragged me into it. Afterwards, we communicated for a while (not talked. that would imply that you know the same language) and finally, walked out of the park. All in all, a good day. Im putting up multiple photos today, but only half are of the park. The others are so you can see more friends. Enjoy.

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Me and Elise

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Fairy Land


Anonymous said...

they are great pics you took dan. well, you look good and healthy in the pic 2.


Anonymous said...

Dan is my hero.
You are greatly missed,
Glad you're having fun though,
Can't wait to hear all of this
When we finally see you!


Anonymous said...

What does me being a pimp have to do with this post? Oh, wait. I get it...