Wednesday, July 28, 2004

My biological timebomb is ticking.

The pattern of your wake/sleep cycle is known as your circadium rythm. My shit broke, and it needs to be reset. I read an article somewhere, that says that the ideal ammount of sleep for the average adult is not 8 hours, we have been led to believe, but is instead 7 hours. Any more than that, and your body starts to get lethargic. After prolonged time periods of sleep, your body will go into a state of hyper-activity, which is alot like having adhd. you find that you become very fidgety for short periods of time. Also, when you have these long periods of sleep, your body has a harder and harder time going through the "wake up" process, which means that it takes longer and longer for a person to become fully concious and aware of their environment. Studies have shown that getting too much sleep can affect the way one absorbs information. If you sleep too much, you have more difficulty absorbing information. What about less sleep? Well, less sleep, remarkably, enhances your performance in the short term. By sleeping less, your body expells extra ammounts of energy to keep you going. This in the short term makes you feel a little more energetic and liveley. However, once your reserves start running out, your body attempts to shut itself down, which is sometimes reffered to as "crashing". After long periods of time, if this continues, your body will attmept to find a point of equilibrium, which results in lowered efficiency and less crashes. Less is the keyword, though, beacuse they never really go away. How does less sleep affect your learning abilities? Studies have shown that the less sleep you know, the more trouble you have remembering things. Instead of affecting your learning abilities, it affects your ability to remember things. It mostly affects your short term memory, which is what helps you remember the day to day things, but also affects your long term memory. It is shown that the less sleep you get, the worst it becomes. It does, however, reach its all time low at 4 hours, and actually starts going SLIGHTLY up again. It has also been shown that nay ammount of sleep under 3 hours usually unhealthy and can lead to permanant physical and mental damage (whatever that means). So, I get 4 hours of sleep, which puts me at peak forgetfulness. I t sux not being able to sleep all the time. It sux that I stay up all night accomplishing nothing. My circadium rythm is off. My maximum amount of sleep is 6 hours, but I usually only get 4. If anyone finds this interesting, tell me, and Ill try to find the article. I think it may have been in print, but Im not really sure (possibly Discover magazine). Good times, though. If it wasnt for my lack of sleep, you wouldnt be reading this. Goodnight.


Death said...

Ill look for it. It should be in a box somewhere.

Death said...

Its when I have school at 8 am or 9 am that it becomes a problem. Othertimes I just cant sleep. Its about a 50/50 deal during my break from school. Ill sleep about 6 hours half the time, and 4 hours the other times.

Anonymous said...

god damn. that explains a lot nick.i think i'm rarely ever awake. wait, am i dreaming? . .