Tuesday, June 15, 2004

My first post

I feel pretty shitty. I think my tonsils are going to explode. So, what should I write about? FINALS ARE OVER. And thank the god I doubt exists for that. I am kinda drowsy. I took a vikadin (and thank goodness I still had it) to ease the pain in my throat, and it helped, but not as much as Id have liked. But this stuff makes me drowsy and sleepy. I should go driving. Well, what has happened in the world lately? Im so sick of hearing all this scare media about terrorism. Every 2 weeks they announce a new mall to stay away from because theyre is a terrorist threat. Every day we hear about how terrorism is being fought over in Iraq. When I travel, I spend an hour and a half going thru seperate x-ray machines all located within the same hallway. God damn. How about we join the rest of the world and move on. Lets go back to living as usual, but wuth the knowledge that a threat exists. Must we continuously be scared into supporting a war that is being fought for oil but shrouded under the fear of terrorism? Americans are so stupid.

You know, yesterday, Sunday, I met the stupid girl ive ever met. Actually, lemme rephrase that. I met the dumbest girl ever. You know the blondes you see on tv or in movies? The ones that are the stereotype for blondes? I met a girl who acts just like that, but shes not a blond. The poor girl was a fucking idiot. But here is how you know you are living in America: SHE WAS PROUD TO BE DUMB. In any other country, shed be poor and useless, but in America, even the stupidest folk can be thriving members in our society. All she has to do is have rich parents (which she does).

On a side note, life is good. I love living. It is such a great way to have fun. I think I should put up my philosophy of life, just because it is my first post: "Live to have fun." Thats it. That simple. Do it because you enjoy it, because if youre not enjoying your life, then really, whats the point? But more on that later. For now, the vikadin is winning in the battle of my awareness. Until next time, goodnight.


afrobro said...

DAN. you're bored. GO GET US SOME GIGS~!!

Death said...

bringer of death is around. bringer of spirits. death angel and all of its variations (like deth @ngel or dth ngl) there are many more, I just dont remember them all.