Friday, June 18, 2004

Wonder of wonders

You know, i sometimes feel that so much of humanity's greatness has been lost or forgotten. I sometimes think that so much beauty has been lost from our civilization, and it majes me sad. We are growing up in a world that is quite bleak and devoid of organic beauty. Mankind has lost its drive. Its willingness to surpass itself in leaps, and instead has settled on slowly trecking up the hill of evolution. What ever happened to humanity building objects of beauty and grandeur, that convey such power as to make one HAVE to stand in awe of its greatness. What the hell am I talking about? Im talking about objects like the 7 wonders of the ancient world.

Lets start with the Pyramid of Giza. I mean, GOD DAMN. It is a building that has lasted over 4500 years. I cant even begin to convey the workmanship that must have gone into it. And as if that wasnt enough, it is so perfectly built, that there is only a .1% variation in its symetry. Need I say more?

The other wonders (the hanging gardens of babylon, the statue of zeus at olimpia, the temple of artemis at ephesus, teh mausoleum at halicarnassus, the colossus or rhodes, and the lighthouse of alexiandria) were also awsome and awe inspiring to all who saw them, but its late and Im tired, so ill stop here.


Death said...

A modern building will not last 4500 years. I find that doubtful.

Death said...

but stone and adobe last longer than concrete, and structures like the pyramids are solid enough so that they dont get swallowed into the ground in pieces.