Saturday, November 18, 2006


Shoddy internet prevented me from posting last night, but here I am, and here I will be. Anyway, yesterday was fairly uneventful, except for the huge ruckus at my normal restaurant. But before I get to that, Ill mention that I went back to the temple wit a couple friends, and found a woman with flawless skin. It really was like porcelin. Amazingly smoothe. I had to post her photo. I definately think she was a professional model, just from her hight, posture, and absolute beauty. Anyway, back to the restaurant. A friend of mine asked a few of the staff if there was anyone who wanted to take a photo with me, and next thing you know, 4/5 of the entire restaurant staff is huddled around me for a group photo. There were people there I had never even seen before. It was really funny. Some of the waitresses kept trying to get me to hold the hand of a shy girl I had never even seen before. Then, after teh group shot, people wanted portraits of just me and them, so what should have been a small portrait with me and a few of my friends there turned into this big 20 minute ordeal. It was quite the adventure. Afterwards, we came back to the hostel and just relaxed for a bit. It wasnt until about 40 minutes after we left the restaurant that my face started cooling down. Anyway, here is the woman I spoke of earlier. Enjoy.

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Bren said...

what i want to know is why his face was so hot that it took 40 minutes to Start cooling down.

Anonymous said...

You certainly seem to be collecting quite a lot of feminine attention. Good for you!