Friday, November 17, 2006

Too Good for One

So today I was going to go to a really cool temple, but I got kinda sidetracked as I wandered the local area. I went to take photos of a tapestry that I have been shooting every day, and I found an allyway that I hadnt noticed beore. I decided to wander through it and found a really cool area that had a tradtional household that I could wander through, with information on all of the rooms. Afterwards, I walked out and wandered the area a bit more and came upon this old man who was working with clay. I sat with him for 3 hours as he worked on a sculpture of the ornate wall in front of him. It was very interesting. Really. Afterwards, I wandered a bit more and found a place where they make silk. Cool stuff. I then went to have dinner with some friends, and managed to take a photo of another one of the girls I made friends with (Huang Li). Today, I couldnt decide what photo to use, so instead, you get 2 good ones and one of my friend (like yesterday, but opposite). Enjoy!

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Huang Li - 19 years old

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Clay Man


Anonymous said...

love the color in the "clay man" and "hands".
so cold, but in a nice subdued way.


Anonymous said...

Was he carving to sell?

By the way, who translates for you? Or are you simply waving your hands around and grunting?